In graph theory, a clique is a very crucial concept when describing the structure of a group of elements that share the same common features or interest. This group of elements forms a subgraph where, in this particular concept, all of the elements are closely related to each other. For the graph G(V, E), where V is a set of nodes and E is a set of edges, a clique is a subgraph, G′(V′, E′) for V′ ⊆ V and E′ ⊆ E cohere in such a way that every node is adjacent to every other node in the subgraph. In general, the maximum clique problem deals with finding the subgraph with the largest clique. The maximum clique is also called the maximum cardinality of the graph. The number of nodes in the maximum clique in G is denoted as ω(G). Note that the maximum clique problem is an NP-hard problem, where it is not possible to find the polynomial solution.