This chapter discusses Glashow-Salam-Weinberg (GSW) model in the group theory in particle, nuclear, and Hadron physics by using simple examples from physics and mathematics. It investigates two fundamental aspects of the structure of the electric charge in the electro-weak model. To explain the maximal parity violation in the weak interaction, the universal (V-A) theory was put forward by Sudarshan and R. E. Marshak in 1957. This theory exploited the principle of “chirality invariance”. The “neutrino paradigm”, as it was termed, was generalized to massive fermions partaking in the weak interaction. The new chirality invariance principle, now demanding that all lepton and baryon weak charged currents, should be invariant under the individual replacement of each spinor wave function by its chirality transform. In the GSW model of particle physics, which is based on the group structure, all the known elementary particles are classified in terms of three independent “generations”.