Pesticides are chemicals used to kill, control, or repel pests. The inert constituents and solvents in pesticide products can also be toxic, sometimes more toxic than the pesticide. Pesticide products are heavily regulated by federal and local laws that specify how they can be marketed, who can purchase them, and how they must be used. Individuals involved in the manufacturing, transportation, or application of pesticides are the most susceptible to accidental exposure, and they can expose family members through contaminated clothing. Emergency workers such as firefighters and paramedics can also be exposed to pesticides from accidents and from burning storage structures. Agricultural pesticides are used in approximately one-third of all suicides worldwide. Homicides using pesticides most often occur in developing countries where they are frequently the only toxic substance available. The spectrum of poisoning symptoms that might be produced by pesticides includes most symptoms produced by common medical conditions and requires evaluation based on detailed medical and occupational histories.