Photocatalytic degradation of organic and inorganic pollutants is a fast-growing technique, which is quite promising for wastewater purication. Selection of an ef- cient photooxidation reactor with a proper light source plays a signicant role in the remediation of contaminated water. In this regard, designing a perfect model for a photoreactor has been a challenging problem for a long time. A variety of photochemical reactions are carried out by using different photoreactors. Some of the more common photoreactors are as follows:

1. Bed reactor 2. Batch reactor 3. Thin-lm reactor 4. Annular reactor 5. Flow reactor 6. Immersion well reactor 7. Multilamp reactor 8. Slurry reactor 9. Merry-go-round reactor

Many types of bed photoreactors are used on laboratory scale, pilot scale, and large scale. The bed photoreactors nd potential use in the purication of contaminated water, hydrogen production, and so on. Pure or modied photocatalysts are used in these photoreactors. A few bed photoreactors are discussed below.