Sedimentary particles ranging from 62.5 μm to 2 mm (or 4 to −1 on the φ scale). Sand in glacial environments is the product of a wide range of processes. Bedrock erosion by glaciers, especially in areas of granite and gneiss, produces a copious amount of sand, which is incorporated in basal glacial deposits (till) and reworked by glaciofluvial activity. Well-sorted sand occurs in patches on the bed of glacial streams (Figure S.1). Sand deposited during a phase of slack flow by the stream emanating from Vadrec del Forno, Switzerland. The glacier is visible in the background (September 2011). https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781315373157/95d5ad9e-a71d-4f11-a609-2c025b95638b/content/figs_1.jpg"/>