We demonstrated in the previous chapter (Chapter 1) that the evaluation of matrix elements between states represented by the Slater determinant can be evaluated unambiguously using Slater’s rule [1, 28, 40]. While the determinantal representation and the evaluation matrix elements between the states are quite straightforward, this procedure can eventually be ineffective and cumbersome with increasing size of the system. The occupation number formalism or second quantization technique introduced by Dirac in quantum field theory, in this context has been found to be quite formidable and elegant. This formalism not only allows us to represent the states and the operators in a compact and convenient form but also enables us to deal with systems containing variable numbers of particles without explicitly specifying the number of particles. It implicitly assumes the existence of an unspecified number of functions in a single-particle basis. These one-particle functions, which constitute the Hilbert space for N particles, are generally chosen to be spinorbital because of their orthogonality. In the case of fermions, the many-particle basis is the anti-symmetric product of N one-particle basis functions (Slater determinant). The vector space consisting of all possible anti-symmetric Hilbert

spaces is referred to as the Fock space, in which the operators and functions are represented without specifying the number of particles.