Petroleum evaluation is an important aspect of the prerefining examination of a refinery feedstock. Evaluation, in this context, is the determination of the physical and chemical characteristics of crude oil, heavy oil, and tar sand bitumen since the yields and properties of products or fractions produced from these feedstocks vary considerably and are dependent on the concentration of the various types of hydrocarbons as well as the amounts of the heteroatom compounds (i.e., molecular constituents contacting nitrogen and/or oxygen and/or sulfur and/or metals). Some types of feedstocks have economic advantages as sources of fuels and lubricants with highly restrictive characteristics because they require less specialized processing than that needed for the production of the same products from many types of crude oil. Others may contain unusually low concentrations of components that are desirable fuel or lubricant constituents, and the production of these products from such crude oils may not be economically feasible.