Research in two-dimensional graphene since it was mechanically exfoliated in 2004 has resulted in signicant advances in unveiling its remarkable properties. These remarkable properties arise from graphene’s unique hexagonal honeycomb crystal structure and the concominant sp2 bonding that is also common to its other nanocarbon relatives, one-dimensional carbon nanotubes, and zero-dimensional buckminsterfullerene spheres. Over the past decade, research in harnessing graphene’s remarkable material properties has spawned a number of exciting directions for device-related activities where graphene plays a key role. In this chapter, we present a review of the current advances that have taken place in using graphene and graphene nanoribbons for high-frequency transistors, energy-efcient electronics, as well as photonic devices. Given its remarkable mechanical properties, graphene is also very attractive for exible electronics, as well as nano-electromechanical systems for mechanical resonators and mass-sensing devices, which are also reviewed in this chapter. In addition, techniques for synthesizing electronic-grade graphene using bottom-up techniques such as chemical vapor deposition, as

well as the realization of epitaxial graphene through Si sublimination on SiC substrates, are also discussed.