The word ergonomics breaks down into two words: Ergo means the act of work, while nomics means the law of work; therefore, ergonomics is "the law of work". In the 2001 Ergonomics Program Rule that was repealed by the Congressional Review Act (CRA), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) had included a rather exhaustive outline of ergonomic risk factors to consider when performing a worksite analysis. Ergonomic hazard controls are an attempt to address the multitude of cumulative trauma and overexertion injuries and illnesses, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, which have inflicted substantial pain and disability upon employees performing various industrial and administrative tasks. The first step in developing an ergonomic program is to gain management commitment. The next important step of the ergonomic process is to perform a worksite analysis. Cumulative trauma disorders and other ergonomic hazards represent a substantial cost to employers, and the injuries and illnesses cause employees remarkable pain, loss of life activities, and other harms.