The aim of performing quantum chemical calculations may be twofold. There

are cases when we are just interested in getting a number, for instance to de-

termine what conformer of a molecule is more stable or to estimate the barrier

of a chemical reaction. Another purpose may be understanding or interpret-

ing one or another property of the system studied-may be discussing the

question of why the number just mentioned is as large or small as it is, and

how it can depend on a substitution or other changes in the system. It is true

that, in principle, any possible information concerning a molecular system

is included in its wave function, but any direct interpretation of the latter is

out of range of our capabilities in most cases of practical interest. This is

the case because the wave function of a molecule is a multidimensional-

may be complex-valued-function depending on a large number of variables

which is very difficult to visualize even in the simplest cases. In the prac-

tical (necessarily approximate but more and more accurate) calculations the

wave functions are represented by enormously big sets of numbers of dif-

ferent types-it is again hard to do anything directly with them. A further

disturbing factor, discouraging the direct analysis of wave functions, may be

connected with the fact that often the same wave function can be given in

several, quite different but fully equivalent, forms; for instance it can be writ-

ten down either by using the delocalized “canonical” molecular orbitals or in

terms of some localized ones which can be assigned to different fragments of

the molecule.