Biomedical researcher's poster will require editing for its overall look, scientific content, spelling and grammar, flow of language and suitability of the design and layout for the data. If they have written text and tables in a word processing program, and figures in another program, it is a good idea to edit them before import them into PowerPoint. Using the automatic spelling, grammar and readability checking features in word processing program, before import main text into PowerPoint, will indicate obvious errors and areas that need attention. Spell-checkers in word processing packages will not pick up correctly spelled words used in incorrect contexts, such as 'their' and 'there' or 'forward' and 'foreword'. If they have written poster in a word processing package, check that every word and symbol has transferred correctly into PowerPoint. Once the poster has been designed in PowerPoint, print it out in colour on A3 paper. They should then do the tedious but essential job of proofreading.