At the point of the first interview 59 sets of parents (58 mothers and 49 fathers) participated in the enquiry. Follow-up data at 13 months after the baby's death were obtained from 50 families (50 mothers and 40 fathers). Proportionately more teenagers, primigravidae and mothers who were not in paid employment were to be found in the non-respondent group. The following information relates to the parents who did take part. Of the 59 mothers, 32 (54%) were actively working in paid employment at the time of the first interview, and a further six (10%) were returning to work in the near future. Three couples came from countries outside the UK and from cultures with different approaches and practices with regard to dying babies. In one of these cases the mother had only limited English, but where she was unable to express herself, her husband (who was fluent) interpreted as necessary.