Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is frequently the initial presentation in children of new-onset diabetes mellitus. Younger children and children whose families do not have access to medical care for social or economic reasons are more likely to present with DKA. Self-management of diabetes is the ultimate goal for all patients with diabetes. To achieve this goal, the carers of a young child need to be able to balance insulin replacement with dietary intake and exercise levels, in order to maintain blood glucose control and to prevent and recognise the occurrence of complications. Parents of children with diabetes often phone healthcare professionals for advice regarding hyperglycaemia. Parents of children with diabetes often phone healthcare professionals for advice regarding the management of hypoglycaemia, which is an anxiety-provoking event for parents. Management of sick days requires more frequent monitoring of blood glucose and ketones to avoid hyperglycaemia or hypoglycaemia and prevention of DKA.