Fixation is worked on indirectly with pursuit and saccadic exercises by

1. Slowing down the exercise with pursuits 2. Having patient stay on target once they make a


1. Spoon pursuits 2. Fist passes 3. Pegboard rotator-inserting peg into board 4. Neurovision rehabilitator (NVR) visual-motor

enhancer (VME) programs 5. Sanet vision integrator (SVI) rotator programs

Large angle/integrate peripheral awareness

1. Post-it saccades 2. Four-corner Hart chart saccades 3. NVR dynamic oculomotor processing

(DOMP) programs 4. NVR ocular vestibular integrator (OVI)

programs 5. SVI saccades: proactive/reactive programs 6. Wayne Saccadic Fixator 7. McDonald chart

Small angle/reading related

1. Michigan tracking (varying size font) 2. PS forms (lower level)

3. Hart chart 4. Percon saccades/saccadic workbook 5. CPT visual scan/visual search 6. Vogel track and read programs

Monocular versus binocular: Perform these activities monocularly, if the patient has any of the following:

1. Monocular amblyopia 2. Reduce acuity or reduce visual field of one eye 3. Presence of an eye turn 4. Decreased accommodation or convergence

Purpose To develop smooth pursuits and increase peripheral awareness

Equipment ● Glasses ● Eye patch ● Spoon

Duration 10 minutes

Set-up Let the patient stand or sit erect with good posture.