Infantile haemangioma is a common endothelial cell tumour of infancy. It resolves spontaneously over time but may require treatment depending on site, size and associated complications. The child may have family history of psoriasis. The guttate type may be triggered by bacterial infection, classically streptococcal. Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin. It is less common in childhood, but may be under-diagnosed as eczema. Any history of maternal anogenital warts or of family members’ warts of any sort and maternal history of vaccination against human papilloma virus should be ascertained. There should be direct questioning of social circumstances and for child abuse. Naevus is present from birth, often on the scalp but can be elsewhere. It usually flattens after 6 months and then remains static in childhood until puberty. Progressive skin lesions affecting the nappy area, face, hands/feet are not present at birth but often begin after the child is weaned onto solid food.