Lightly draw a vertical center line from the top to the bottom of the frame. Mark a single point (A) approximately two-thirds of the way up the center line and another single point (B) about halfway from the top point to the bottom of the frame. These represent the top and bottom of the nearest edge of a cube we will create. Draw a horizon line just above the top point. Next, draw angled lines from the top edge point to two vanishing points on the horizon line either side of the center line (VP1 and VP2). Draw similar lines from the bottom point on the center line to the same (VP1 and VP2) vanishing points on the horizon. Next, create a new vanishing point (VP3) near the bottom of the center line and draw angled lines upward in both directions so they can describe the left and right sides of the cube. Now, draw a dissecting line from the top part of the cube’s right-hand side (C) to the left-side vanishing point (VP1) on the horizon. Do the same for the cube’s left-hand side (D) to the right-side vanishing point (VP2). Finally, draw a line from the bottom corner of the cube’s right side (E) to the left horizon vanishing point (VP1) and a similar line from the bottom of the cube’s left side (F) to the right horizon vanishing point (VP2). This will now define the three sides (i, ii, and iii), in perspective, of a three-dimensional cube using three-point perspective. To make the cube more apparent, thicken the lines that define its front, top, and side edges and shade in one side face to suggest the depth. (Take no more than 4 minutes to complete this drawing.)