Phlebography, plethysmography, and duplex ultrasound (DUS) are the main methods for the evaluation of the venous system. DUS has become the test of choice for the evaluation of chronic venous disease (CVD) in most patients as it is safe, noninvasive, cost-effective, and reliable. Venous obstruction and reflux are the two pathologies that lead to venous hypertension, which causes the sequelae of CVD. The challenge to the clinician is to find a method of reliably evaluating a patient for CVD. The physical examination is useful. Many of the signs and symptoms of CVD can be detected by physical examination, but physical examination alone is inadequate. Duplex techniques for the evaluation of CVD are similar to those used in the evaluation of acute venous thrombosis. The most common location of reflux in patients with CVD is the saphenous vein trunks and their tributaries, irrespective of clinical class.