This chapter shows doctors on their way to becoming effective appraisers and looks at what support they will need to gain the skills. Recruitment to the role of appraiser varies by place and within different organisations. Many areas have elected to advertise by writing and emailing to all qualifying doctors working in the target population every time there has been a recruitment round for new appraisers. The recruitment of an appraiser falls under equal opportunities legislation. Against the person specification, all candidates should have an equal chance of being appointed. As appraisal systems develop, appraisal leads and their organisations may have to consider advertising nationally in order not to discriminate against candidates from further away. Appraiser training should include a chance to rehearse the skills required and support the development of the confidence to undertake the first full-length appraisal. New appraisers will be expected, as part of the training, to undertake their first full-length appraisal in a supported way.