The preparation for an individual appraisal begins as soon as an appraiser and an appraisee are paired. There may be a structure for the appraisal process in place that the appraisee and appraiser are meant to follow. It may be very helpful to share a timetable for the appraisal process at the time of setting up the appraisal. Many appraisers start their personal preparation by doing a preliminary read-through from beginning to end of Forms 1 to 3 without necessarily exploring any of the supporting documentation. The paperwork and supporting documents put together by the appraisee can be very private and informative. There needs to be a standard reminder of the consequences of a late cancellation of the appraisal. A confirmation letter could also include a reminder of the procedure for signing off the National Health Service Appraisal Toolkit and to bring passwords and log-on details to the appraisal, if the Toolkit has been used.