This chapter explores the appraisal discussion, and how to make it a success. The face-to-face interaction between the appraiser and appraisee has been deliberately called ‘the appraisal discussion’ as opposed to ‘the appraisal interview’. The framework advocated for any appraisal discussion is an adaptation of the Calgary–Cambridge guide to the medical interview. The well-prepared appraiser will find initiating the session a reasonably smooth process. Providing structure and building the relationship need to be woven throughout the appraisal discussion. The appraiser needs to invest effort in building a special relationship of trust and mutual respect. In exploring the documentation that the appraisee has provided, the appraiser has the privilege of taking the appraisee on a voyage of self-discovery. Certain communication skills are vital for all stages of the appraisal discussion. They are particularly useful when exploring the appraisee’s statements, ideas and aspirations.