Be mindful of the following mnemonic when taking a history from an older patient:

O ‘Old dear’ stereotyping is to be avoided – be respectful

L Lighting should be optimised to make your face more visible, avoid light glare

D Dentures, eyeglasses and hearing aids, if usually worn, should be used

E Extra time may be needed

R Reliability of the history may need to be determined with a Mental state examination (MSE), may require a collateral history

A Activities of daily living (ADLs), able to cope at home?

N Nutrition history including type, quantity, frequency 1

D Depression, loneliness

W Weight loss (intentional or unintentional)

I Increased rate of urination, nocturia, dysuria 2

S Social history/social supports/care givers

E Episodes of dizziness, falls

R Roids (haemorrhoids), indigestion, constipation, diarrhoea, melaena, PR bleeds