The management of antenatal hydronephrosis is also protocol based in order to detect children with congenital abnormalities of the kidney and urinary tract who may require intervention, and prior to them developing symptoms or signs of chronic kidney disease. However, 50% of cases with antenatal renal tract dilatation will be transient hydronephrosis and will have normal postnatal imaging. Cystic kidneys can be seen with renal dysplasia, autostomal recessive and dominant polycystic kidney disease, glomerulocystic diseases, and tuberous sclerosis with multicystic dysplastic kidneys referring to large kidneys without functioning parenchyma. Small kidneys are seen in renal dysplasia with or without vesicoureteric reflux and after vascular insults. The management of paediatric renal transplant recipients is by specialist teams involving paediatric nephrologists, urologists and transplant surgeons. However, paediatric renal transplant recipients suffer from usual childhood illnesses, such as appendicitis, but are also at higher risk of infections due to immunosuppression.