Clinician has therapeutic powers which our predecessors half a century ago would have considered miraculous in their effectiveness and in the range of diseases that can now be prevented, cured or their progress slowed. Proof of its existence is provided by comprehensive research in many western countries which shows that between 3% and 5% of all Accident and Emergency admissions are directly caused by prescribed medicines. All prescribers should be aware of these statistics, for without realising it, they may be part of the problem. This book offers the clinician the knowledge with which to avoid the commonest pitfalls in prescribing. Except where it is essential to clear understanding, 'fancy science' has been omitted, or made immediately accessible. The book is intended primarily for family doctors who on a daily basis must prescribe a wide range of drugs, including regimens recommended by specialists. This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book.