Eczema is a skin condition that commonly affects many parts of the body, and occasionally it may appear on the anus and female genitals. The causes may be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. If it is due to a reaction to an irritant, it is often referred to as dermatitis. In almost half of cases, at least one extranodal site is affected which may be on the skin, bone, eyes, central nervous system or the genital area. This is a benign condition affecting young males and – less frequently – females, first described by Rosai and Dorfman in 1969. Swollen lymph nodes; presenting symptoms in the urogenital area are yellow papules, plaques or nodules. Other symptoms that may be present include fever and weight loss. Lichen nitidus affects male and female children and young adults, but generalised variants more often affect females. In males, the micropapules are commonly present on the genitalia.