This chapter offers a sample of some interesting initiatives being taken within the medical educational and service environments. It explores some of the practical initiatives being taken in the National Health Service to operationalise the medical leadership competency framework and to provide new opportunities for doctors to gain managerial and leadership experiences and competences at earlier stages in their careers. The London Specialty School of Paediatrics has piloted an approach to leadership development which, as Klaber stresses, 'integrates it throughout all years of training and embeds it within workplace-based learning'. The term 'clinical leadership' is all too often used when meaning 'medical leadership'. 'Prepare to Lead' is a leadership development programme for specialist and general practitioner registrars working within the London Deanery and was launched in May 2008 with a second programme that started in April 2009. The University of Warwick commenced a Management Standards Centre in Medical Leadership in 2008.