This refreshingly readable book with accompanying flash cards is ideal for all undergraduate medical students fast approaching their final exams. Consider your revision methods and contemplate exam psychology. Structure your approach and make those final weeks more bearable. Test yourself with the flash cards and consolidate your knowledge on a wide range of topics. Use them as a guide to perfecting your presentation skills and think logically about each case. Decipher data, practice interpreting x-rays and ECGs, and identify conditions from photos and pictures. This book will teach you mnemonics to help you remember the more intricate causes of certain conditions, offering invaluable support in the run up to your finals.


chapter |9 pages

Cardiology cases

chapter |10 pages

Respiratory cases

chapter |8 pages

Abdominal cases

chapter |16 pages

Neurology cases

chapter |7 pages

Communication skills

chapter |6 pages

Consent, capacity and how to test it

chapter |3 pages

DVLA Guidelines

chapter |4 pages

Quickfire questions

chapter |4 pages

Quickfire answers