This chapter presents a biopsychosocial assessment as the basis for case formulation. It includes suggestions for preparing the family and adolescent, and a suggested format for the content of the assessment with brief discussion on some details. Prior painful events are learning events that will influence interpretations of any new event and how it is handled by the adolescent or family. Early influences on the psychological or social development of the adolescent will influence coping and parental behaviours. A solo therapist may be the only practitioner available to treat an adolescent with a number of issues that contribute to a multifactorial pain picture. It is advantageous for a solo therapist to assess all aspects that may impact on the adolescent and their family. The adolescent's or parent's response may need to be added to, modified, or corrected by the therapist. Therapists need to ask themselves whether the questions asked will assist with their case formulation or their treatment.