Every patient needs to sign a consent form. Some only refuse to be filmed because they would have combed their hair specially or worn different clothes if they had known in advance that they were going to be taped. Therefore you should explain carefully to your receptionists exactly what the video is for. This is important, as a positive attitude among the receptionists towards videos is more likely to be passed on to your patients. The receptionists can inform patients as soon as they book an appointment that in this particular surgery they will be filmed, and that anyone who does not wish to give their consent will be allocated an alternative slot. When the patients turn up for their appointments, the receptionists can then hand out the consent forms for them to sign. You will merely have to collect the forms as each patient enters your room, thus avoiding much of the bureaucracy. Consent forms need to be signed again by the patient at the end of the consultation, and you can put an aide-memoire on your desk or the inside of your door to remind yourself about this. However, if you forget you can usually obtain the signature retrospectively by sending the consent form to the patient for signing, together with a stamped addressed envelope.