We all think that we know about communication skills, and are often baffled when someone misinterprets something that we have said or done. No one should be so complacent that they feel they cannot improve their communication skills. Reader can categorise people into one of three levels as follows: Unskilled; Using acquired tricks; and Skilful communicators. People at unskilled level have little or no insight into the effect that their communication has on other people, and they tend to blame others for failures or dismiss others as hopeless or incapable of changing. The reader can learn how to observe, evaluate and change the way in which reader communicate with other people. The use of jargon can sometimes be an unconscious attempt to prevent communication and understanding. Ice-breakers are an introduction to communicating with verbal and nonverbal language. Communication is increased as people feel more free to speak once others have revealed a little of them-selves to the group.