The Tsar's police first brought together the four young Marxist revolutionaries whose interaction produced the agenda for Bolshevik millenarianism. Nikolai Berdiaev, Anatoly Vasilevich Lunacharsky, A. Bogdanov, and V. A. Bazarov had all been arrested at different times and places and for different activities, but all four found themselves exiled together in Vologda in 1899. Their association was not an agreeable one: Berdiaev argued strenuously with the other three Marxists over the problems of idealism. From this very disagreement, however, was to be created a religious Marxism. Both A. Bogdanov and V. A. Bazarov were born in Tula and both had attended the Tula gymnasium. They may have known one another socially, as well, since their families were of the same social status. Bogdanov was exiled to Vologda where he met Lunacharsky and Berdiaev for the first time. Their association in Vologda was to have incalculable consequences for the future intellectual development of Russian Marxism.