This chapter is an attempt to link social media landscape in the context of both India and the book title of Robert Putnam’s seminal work discussing the state of social capital in the USA and Italy, Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community . It takes you to Robert Putnam’s idea and explores if Internet platforms such as Facebook and Twitter are important channels of building ‘we’ feeling that Putnam overlooked, though not deliberately. There are tribes of people who form social capital in the rigid and feudalised social order in India. This form of social capital is a sort of linking capital. They do it by way of intimate speak. The title, social togetherness , decodes the mechanics of social capital both bridging and bonding, which facilitates a linking capital in Indian Internet, at least among the subaltern and minority groups. If so, it is interesting to understand whether there is a tribe feeling on social media age.