2When working with any of the chemicals mentioned in this book, safety precautions should be your primary concern. This said, such precautions always sound worse than they really are, particularly when applied to the small quantities required by home darkroom artists. Provided you observe clean working methods and adopt a modicum of protection, the risk is very low. The risk increases for those particularly susceptible to allergic reactions or who have asthma, and of course to children and pets who tend to put things in their mouths.

Enfield has taken the scary part of working with chemicals and written about it in an intelligent, easy to understand way for novices and professionals alike. Having had several chemists read the chapter before publication to make sure everything was clearly explained and correctly stated, photographers can follow the safety procedures Enfield lays out, and be assured that your studio and you, will stay safe while enjoying the magic of the darkroom. From proper ventilation to storage and use of the chemicals, it is all included in this chapter.