88Parts of this chapter were excerpted with permission from The Albumen & Salted Paper Book (1980) by James M. Reilly, published by Light Impressions, which is available online at https://albumen.conservation-us.org/library/monographs/reilly" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">https://albumen.conservation-us.org/library/monographs/reilly. You can also find hard copies from used booksellers. Information has been gathered from the above-mentioned book, online resources, and by experimenting and keeping good notes. Two new books have been published and are also wonderful resources: Laura Blacklow’s New Dimensions in Photo Processes and Christina Z. Anderson’s book Salted Paper Printing. Christina’s book goes into this process in depth and both books are must haves for alternative process photographers.

Also added, are different tips on how to sensitize any type of support from paper to wood to glass, using the historically common practice of floating the support in albumen and silver to soaking in a tray, to using a brush. Enfield addresses the pros and cons of each technique. And as a bonus – at the end of the chapter are recipes for what to do with all of those egg whites.