The final section of the book is a guide to how one might

design for flexibility, summarising the arguments made

in the previous two chapters. Because housing design is

solution or approach. Analysis of previous flexible hous-

ing schemes suggests that a one-fit solution will not

meet the very different needs and approaches of a wide

variety of clients and designers. Indeed, it may be argued

that some previous approaches to flexible housing design

have fallen on the sword of their own dogmatism. Or to

put it another way, some flexible housing design is inflex-

ible in its attitude, which means it may work in one context

but is difficult to transfer to another. This section there-

fore offers a range of strategies and tactics and leaves it

to the designer to choose the ones that are most appropri-

Flexibility in housing can work either prior to occupation by

the residents, or post-occupation, or both. In the former,

flexible housing design allows future residents to have

some say over the layout and /or look of their home. Thus

the use of non-loadbearing internal partitions might give a

variety of possible layouts from which future tenants could

choose, or else the use of modern methods of construc-

tion can allow residents to choose the way that their house

looks. Post-occupation flexibility refers to the way that the

design and construction of the housing allows residents

and housing managers to make adaptations over time.