Cullingworth, Charles James. Obituary. 1908: 276 Curie, Madame Marie. Nobel Prize. 1904: 42 Curry, Mary C. A Book of Thoughts, in Loving Memory of John

Curzon of Kedleston, Lady Maria Victoria. Obituary. 1906: 279

Cusack, M.F. Woman's Work in Modern Society (reviewed). 1875: 215

or Woman's Relation to Education, Labor, and the Law (reviewed). 1867: 297

Relating to Factories and Workshops (reviewed). 1896: 273

(reviewed). 1910: 235 Women in the Universities of England and Scotland (re-

Davies, Rev. J, Llewellyn. "A New College for Women." 1868: 494

Davis, Mrs. A History of the Woman's Rights Movements (reviewed). 1874: 261

Davis, Miss J.E. The Elements of Modern Dressmaking (reviewed). 1895: 133

Working Man's Model House (revieco7ed). 1896: 129 DaCo7es, Mary Clara. Master of Arts. 1884: 322 Day, E.S. Old Westminster Endowment (revie,.,ed). 1902: 215 Debating

Croydon Society. 1876: 141 Ladies' Club. 1876: 37; 1879: 74

162; 1875: 127; 1878: 83; 1879: 223; 1882: 250; 1883: 274, 325; 1884: 231, 331; 1887: 234; 1889: 221; 1891: 113, 190; 1897: 35, 110; 1901: 125, 161, 192; 1902: 180, 197; 1903: 115, 198, 199; 1904: 119; 1905: 127, 195; 1907: 108, 249

Becker, Lydia, on. 1883: 89; 1902: 148 Boucherett, Jessie, on. 1879: 272 Debate. 1880: 281, 323 Deceased Wife's Sister Bill. The Woman's Side of the

Question, by Some Middle-class Wives and Mothers (revieCo7ed). 1882: 256

Correspondence. 1876: 42 LaCo7s Regarding Marriages of Affinity. 1902: 83

M.ovement. 1885: 493 DeChantal, Mother Mary. Obituary. 1906: 130 Dee, Emma. Woman's Mission and Education (revieCo7ed). 1877:

De Morgan, S.E. "Recollections of a London Workhouse, Forty Years Ago." 1889: 49

ed. Sir Baldwin Leighton (reviewed). 1872: 105 Denmark. 1872: 141; 1873: 296; 1875: 425; 1876: 283; 1878:

91, 183, 232; 1879: 422; 1880: 478; 1881: 382; 1883: 189, 423; 1886: 40, 383, 575; 1887: 48, 143, 240, 284, 3 7 5, 528; 1888: 93, 141, 239, 288, 4 77, 521; 1889: 94, 189; 1890: 45; 1891: 67, 288; 1892: 209, 285; 1894: 60; 1895: 128, 200; 1900: 103, 266; 1903: 204; 1908: 32

Appointments. 1907: 189 Copenhagen Congress, 1888: 405 Copenhagen University, The. 1878: 548 Copenhagen Women's Congress. Meyer, Johanna. Letter on.