I HAVE long maip.tained that people, as a. rule, tell the truth about a thing, or rather what they take tobe. the truth about a thing, when they are talkingabout something ·else. For fifteen days I amused· myself in collecting some .of these " unintentional~,. views, about the value of women's work in politio1,. from a single newspaper. It happened. to be theStandard, openly hostile to woman's suffrage. _ I :,tppend these five cuttings from that paper,. which appeared between October 19 and November 3 .. The first is the paper's own rejoicing over the number. of womell: who bad come forward to help ~be U~ionist­ party m response to an appeal published m th& Standard. Here it is-·

'.'PERSONAL SERVICE APP::ll:AL~. ; ... The results of the appeal published in the Standaiif for workers who were willing .to give perso:aalsenricetothe Unionist party in the coming struggle. have b~ splendid, and ,h~ve far surpassed anticip$tions. In. view of the large -number of m~~ and, wom!ID wbohav.e readily come forward proferrmg help ae speakers,. canvassers, distributors pf literature, .&c., in all ptt-r~& .of tp~ country~-it is propos~ to withdraw the appeal for a time."-Standard, October 19, 1909.