The city of Moscow covered about ninety square kilometers and was, for administrative purposes, divided into seventeen wards or departments. At the top of the whole government apparatus, police and non-police, in Moscow stood three officials, all appointees of the central government in St. Petersburg and all responsible to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. During 1905, there appeared in Moscow a number of conservative, pro-tsarist political parties and organizations of which the two most important were the Russian Monarchist Party and the Union of Russian People. One of the crucial factors in the smooth or efficient running of the administration in Moscow, at least at the top, was the relationship between the two men who held the posts of governor-general and gradonachal / nik, respectively. The Okhrana or Security Police was an intelligence-investigatory force and not a peace-keeping one. The most numerous of the police elements were the auxiliary forces, the dvorniki and watchmen.