This sound and cautious method of procedure must commend itself to everyone, and need only be mentioned here to be approved. But unfortunately some very different schemes, conceived in a very different spirit, are afoot. While it was clear to everyone that there had arisen a .demand for dwellings of almost every grade, several thoughtful and philanthropic persons simultaneously awoke to the fact. that a great many women, more or less educated (stretching the meaning of the term to its utmost limit) were earning a very precarious living, and were entirely dependent for the J;l1eans of Bubsistence on a mere starvation wage. These, no less than their more fortunate sisters in the Residential Chambers, must live. It was obvious that this could hardly be done with any approach to comfort, however meagre, and to refinement, however modest, on the earnings which they received. It followed, therefore, that comfort and refinement must somehow be placed within their reach at something less than its cost in the open market.