We welcome our old friend this year with its llew face and its new editor, trusting tbat it may bave before it a future as useful as its past. It is ~ patbetic circuUlstance tbat, at tbe· time of its re-iasue iu its present form, Miss Hubbard, wbo originated the Year-book nineteen years ago, and wbo took ber farewell of it in the last nnruber, was Iying stricken witb sore sickness in a foreign land,. wbitber sbe ba.d gone in search of some rueasure of the bealtb whicb bad gi ven way under the strain of ber long labours for womankind. Tbe new Year-book is considerably larger than its predecessors, and contains fulier information on tbe numerous subjects toucbedupon. A useful feature is a collection of blank detacbable pages at tbe beginniug, on which read~rs are asked to write suggestions, criticisms and corrections, to be sent to the Editor before J une 1. Tbe index is fuIl, but would be much improved by cross-references. For instance, under tbe heading Coukery (p. 150), only Cookery books are found, Under" Scbools" is tbe sub-beading " Cookery" (p. 150), witb only oue scbool and a reference to Housekeeping scbools (p. 149) . . Tbis list is still incomplete, and it is only after a. furtber searcb tb at a list of Schools of Cookery 18 found (at pp. 38, 39) under tbe beading oi "; Domestic Science, 'l'echnical Education." 1s it allowable to suggest also that Magazines for "\Vomen and . Girls