Another subject on which an authoritative statement seems desirable may be mentioned here. The 1nspectors are probably not aware how prevalent the idea is that they visit only when a complaint is made. If this mistaken impression could be effaced we should surely h,ear 1ess of such employers as the master wh<>, after the visit of an 1nspector, went round and said "some one must have complained or the 1nspector would not have been in." Trus story is told in "Factory Girls' Work and Wages" (already mentioned), a booklet which gives an interesting account of work among factory girls in East London. 1t is much to be hoped that the time will co me when the Factory 1nspector will be welcomed as the School 1nspector is, and there are instances in which this is the case. " The lady never has anything to say against us; we are 11,11 right," was the proud remark of a smaH employer of labour to the present writer, and a perusal of the Factory 1nspectors' Report shows that this is no isolated experience. N evertheless, in many minds the idea remains rooted that inspector and detective are interchangeable words, and, in this connection, outsiders may be pardoned for asking wh ether listening to anonymous complaints is an integral part of the system of factory inspection? That it is done (apparently under direction) is evident from Miss Anderson's lecture. After enumerating the " studies in vagueness " of some of the complaints received, she goes on to say: " You will see that these are the problems frequently

Januar)' 16th, 1 . set us, and you will furtber !'lee bow tbe difficulty becomes almost insuperable' wben tbe person thus appealing dar~ not trust our good faith and discretion so far as to gwe a name and address, so that further explan~tions are pOBsible," ~ o~ tJ;1is almost in superable dlfllculty would not eXlst If 1t were possible to l11ake it clearly ~nderstood that an anonymous letter i8 an unclean thmg, and that no complaint unverified by a genuine signature would be attended to. An ailönymous l~t~er may occasionall~ be the refuge of belplessness, It 1S far more.often the mstrument of spite and malice. This rule applies in other caseB. Is there any reason why factory inspection should be an exception?