N ow for one word of criticism. If Miss Gore Booth js to take high rank among tbe poets of the day ehe must not neglect the details of her craft, and she must cultivate her ear for metre and rhythm. ToD mauy cases occur of lines with redundant syllabies, apparently caused by her allowing the love of 8iD. epithet to interfere with her feeling fer form. In the very poem quoted the elimination of the ward " blessed" from line 10 would remove the one blot from a beautiful poem. (By the way, the word here is printed for her on the first line of p. 81, but this is a. mere printer's error.) If in her next edition she will erase this blemish, and similar ones from ber other verses (for example, from " An Epitaph" and " Finger Posts "), she will add greatly to tbe value of her work. Otber faults there are, without doubt. The poems are une qual-but of what poet can this not be said ?-and in some the point is apt to lose itself in· & mist of charming words, but it i8 a rare thing in these days of prolific writing to find a volume of verses so many of wbich breathe the true poetical spirit. Da8 Recht der Frau nach dem bürgerlichen GeBetzbuch.