This enquiry into the condition of the seamstresses of Copenhagen bears evidence of having been carried out with minute care. It gives full statistical details of their wages, health, hours of work, hours of overtime a.nd of slack time, and other particulars of value to the enquirers into labour questions. Le Prejuqe d-e Sexe, by Madame Henri Schmahl (12 pa~eB, large 8vo),

riere" (21, Rue Gazan, Paris), Madame Schmahl deals trenchantly with the brain theory of the inferiority of· women, and refers specially to the remarkable facts brought forward in the writings of M. Manouvrier. Common Sense applied to Woman's Suffrage, by Mary Putnam Jacobi,

This book is well named. r t is in effect a development of the a.ddress given by Dr. Jacobi before the Committee on Suffrage of the State Constitutional Convention on behalf of the women of 'the City of New York on May 31, 1894. That address is given iuan a.ppendix and starts from the practical standpoint of