The descriptions of Mrs. Procter, of her mother Mrs. Basil Montagu, and of her daughters, are full of charm. Here is a bit descriptive of ,the gifted eldest daughter, of whom" the mother was intensely proud:"- '

We cannot conclude without mention of " A Chapter of War," relating the experiences which befell the' writer in her peaceful home near Paris, when the w~ cloud of' 1870 burst with sudden storm over Paris; experiences which tell of War in its inner nature, no pomp or glory in these incidents, only base inglorious aspects:- " '

Ridley. Longmans, Green & Co. Wben the time shall have come for writing the

history of the great "Woman's Movement" of the latter half of the nineteenth century, this life of Miss Buss will be of great value, giving as it does the record of the untiring energy and generosity with which she devoted herself to providing for women such an education as would fit them for any path in life.