This chapter discusses various kinds of organizations. For smooth and successful operation of any business, a good fit is necessary between not only worker and work, but also among workers and their employing organization as well. Organizations are networks of related elements that all must work together to enable the whole organization to function well. Fitting together employees, work, and organization make for smooth efficient performance. The human is at the centre of the organization's operations, because, ultimately, companies cannot exist by their strategy, structure, and machinery, but rather rely on living, working, and interacting people. The individual is the innermost and most important asset of an organization. Structures outline the hierarchies within an organization. Loose and flexible organizational setups are necessary for autonomous teams, which self-organize to solve varying problems and to meet changing tasks. The norms, beliefs, unwritten rules, rites and rituals, behaviour, and practices among the members of an organization establish the organizational climate and culture.