This chapter looks at the preparatory history of certain treaties and, in particular, at the input of civil society in the phases preceding the negotiation of certain treaties restricting nuclear weapons. The new treaty was restricted to banning nuclear weapon tests in the atmosphere, outer space, and under water and, therefore, removed the visible mushroom clouds. As a result, and having regard to the fact that civil society's successful campaign had focused on the health risks from nuclear fallout, the antinuclear movement lost its dynamism once the Partial Test Ban Treaty (PTBT) had been concluded, although a complete test ban remained the ultimate goal for many. At the time of the establishment of the first Denuclearization of Certain Regions (NWZF) by the 1967 Treaty of Tlatelolco, it was stressed that it came as a response to humanity's concern with its own future, namely the threat of nuclear weapons and, in particular, "for the good of mankind".