September 15tb, !886, Record of Events. 421

as well as the nch, who re~ognise the value of the home-like comforts, kind counsel, instruction, and recreation offered to all young women. by the Ass9ciation would send a trifle to the honorary secretary, Mr. Dashwood, 1, Fleet Street, much safety and happiness· would be the result to working women in the metro-

poli~~ . . . _ . CiviL LIST PENSIONs.-Among the penswns ·granted

during the year ended June 20th, 1886, and charged upon the Civil List, is one of £100 to Mrs. Camille Sherwin, in consideration of the literary merits of her siRter, the late Mrs. Jameson. ·

VIGILANCE ASSOCIATION FOR THE DEFENCE . OF PEa;.· SONAL R!GHTS.-On August the 18th, the fifteenth annual meeting of this Association was held at the Inns of Court Hotel, Mr. Jacob Bright, M.P., _Eresiding. There were also present: Miss Miiller, Mr. Walter McLaren, M.P., Mr. Banke, Mr. Levy, Mr._ Joaeph Waitt, and many others. _ . · .