The Ladies' Alliance rendered service at the last election, and the work of the ladies will not be limited to Brixton, but will extend to other divisions.

A Women's Liberal Association has been inaugurated at Crewe, when about 130 ladies responded to an invitation to meet Mrs. Eva M'Laren, wife of the member for the Crewe division. Mrs. Mellor presided. Mrs. M'Laren, who was accompanied by Mrs. Pedley, Mrs. M'Neill, and Mrs. Hodgson, spoke at some length on the need for such a banding together of women in the interests of their sex, politically, morally, and intelleotually, and to do all in their power to help Liberal members of Parliament who were striving to bring about necessary changes in laws and the removal of anomalies which presE!ed hardly on the female sex. ~rs. ~·Neill and Mrs. Booth surporyed Mrs. M'~a.;en m urgmg the need of a Women s L1beral AssoCiation, and after some discussion a vote was taken in favour of the proposed scheme, which was practically unanimously accepted. Mrs. G. W. Latham, Bradwell Hall, was chosen the first president; Mrs. M•Laren, vice-president; and Mrs. Hodgson as secretary for the central committee. A large number of members were enrolled.