After a few words from Lady Hamilton and the Rev. Dr . .Molloy, Her Excellency distributed the certificates of. which 21 were for scrivenery, 5 for plan tracing, 10 for book-keeping, 3 for illuminating, and 4 for woodcarving. The Countess of Aberdeen said it was impossible for anybody to be even a few weeks in Ireland without haviug occasion to admire the skill and patience and power of adaptation which is shown in many of the Irish manufactures, nnd which, if only applied to suitable designs and properly organized, surely must enable them to compete successfully with foreign goods. The committee which planned the woman's section of the Edinburgh Exhibition hope very much by that section to develop women's industries all through the country, and especially those home industries which must so affect the well being of the poorer classes, not only materially, but also mentally and morally. The committee of the Irish stall Lad reason to be encouraged by the social cooperation of those interested, which will enable us to have a very interesting stall, and one which will be very creditable to Ireland. If any ladies or others want further particulars with regard to this, Lady Victoria. Hamilton or herself would be glad to give them further information.