Mayor, at the formal request of the inhabitants, and he presided. About 150 pit-women attended, and a large number of miners were also present, and manifested their sympathy with the object of the meeting. The women had assembled in a body, in a neighbouring square, where they were formed by a local clergyman; and with him at their head, marched to the meeting. Many local clergymen, and other influential persons, were on the platform. The Rev. H. MITCHELL, vicar of Pemberton, was the first speaker. With reference to the refusal of the Home Office to receive a deputation of women, he said that Mrs. Park wrote to Mr. Childers, for leave to bring up a deputation of the pit-brow women, to answer Mr. Burt's deputation. They intended taking delegates from each of the collieries in the Wigan district. Mr. Childers had answered that he had already bad both sides of the question fairly presented to him, and he did not think any useful public object would be gained by receiving the proposed deputation, but he would be glad tQ receive any written representation.