To her Excellency Ish bel Countess of .Aberdeen. MAY IT PLEASE YOUR ExcELLENCY,-We, the President and Mem-

bers of the Ladies' Committee for Clothing for Western Islanders, cannot permit your Excellency to leave our shores without expl'ell8:- ing our gratitude for the kindly interest you have taken in the work in which we were engaged. To your Excellency ia due much of the success which attended our efforts in the cause of charity. Your frequent presence at our meetings, the kind sympathy and womanly interest shown for the poor workers whose relief was a part of ollr duty, was to them and to us a source of great encouragement. The ready help you gave our efforts was but one of the many instances iD. which you exhibited your deep interest in our people. While evwy charitable work fonnd in you a friend and sympathiaer, ;rou devoted both time and energy to elaborating a plan for developmg some of the resources of the country which exhibits a thorough knowledge and appreciation of its wants. We earnestly hope that the aeverance of the official connection of the Earl of Aberbeen with this country will not diminish his or your interest in Ireland, and that we.UULYhave at no distant time the pleasure of welcoming you again amo~ us. With this hope we wish you a regretful farewell, and trust that the prayers of the Irish peeple, which are offered for you and thOle dear to you, may bring you and them every grace and bleasing.